Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology of Color Essay

The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue, and green. When the brain receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of these three primary colors through a process called color addition (Think Quest â€Å"Color Psychology†). All colored visible light can be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green, which by perception between the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists to humans and other organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions, color has more of an impact on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on humans, bringing about numerous physiological and psychological changes as unique as the color itself. Its presence everywhere in our daily lives makes these effects inevitable, no matter how unaware we are of them. Colors not only alter the state of our mind and body but can also reveal a lot about ourselves, including our personality, experiences, and ability to evoke memories. Colors can be categorized into two groups, warm colors and cool colors. Warm colors consist of any shade of red, orange, yellow, and pink. They can evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors consist of greens, blues, and purples. Although they generally create a calming, soothing effect, they can also bring feelings of sadness or indifference (Kendra Cherry â€Å"Color Psychology: How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors†). Although each of the colors within these two groups produces altercations somewhat similar to those of its group members, they create their own objective, one-of-a-kind effects on the human body and mind. Red is one of the three primary colors, as well as one of three different color channels the brain receives signals from. It represents blood, heat, passion, love, intensity, danger, and is often associated with Christmas and Valentine’s Day (Nicholson, Mary, Dr. â€Å"Colors and Moods†). Being a very stimulating color, whenever the sight of it is picked up and signaled to the brain, red activates the adrenal glands. Physiologically, red can increase heart rate, respiration, appetite, and blood pressure. It can also raise stamina and improve the functioning of the central nervous system (Kate Smith, â€Å"Color: Meaning, Symbolism, and Psychology†). The psychological effects of red include feelings of anger, vitality, and a sense of protection from fears and anxieties. Red can also increase enthusiasm, irritability, and sensuality. With its ability to dispel negative thoughts, it encourages confidence, action, and ambition (Think Quest). In a study by professor of psychology Andrew Elliot and researcher Daniela Niesta, it has been demonstrated that the color red makes men â€Å"feel more amorous towards women† (Science Daily â€Å"Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Women, Psychological Study Reveals†). Even before the experiment, research provided both empirical and biological support to Elliot and Niesta’s claim. Empirically, red has been associated with romantic love and passions across cultures and the millennia. Biologically, they found faith in humans’ deep evolutionary roots to primates. Research has shown that â€Å"nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males† (Science Daily). The study looked at men’s responses to photographs of women under various color presentations. In one experiment, subjects were shown a photograph of a woman framed by a border of red and either white, gray, green or blue. The men were then asked questions about how attractive they found the women to be. Another experiment consisted of two photos of the same woman in which the woman’s shirt was digitally colored either red or blue. Along with questions concerning attraction, they were also asked about their intentions about dating, such as â€Å"Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? † (Science Daily). The results of the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were rated significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman shown with any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive, aggressive, and restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature and a zest for life (Annie B. Bond, â€Å"Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You†). Orange is a color that commands much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and is also associated with Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can stimulate the sexual organs, benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It incites activity, socialization, and due to its hate-it-or-love-it quality, it also sparks controversy (Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves feelings of self-pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions, increase energy, and even serve as a perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association with arrogance, danger, and over-emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as â€Å"America’s Least Favorite Color† (Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen â€Å"The Subconscious Psychology of Color†). People who prefer the color orange are often flamboyant, fun-loving, and enjoy living a social life. They can be somewhat histrionic and fickle, but are generally good-natured, agreeable, and popular (Bond). Yellow is an uplifting color that is most associated with optimism, intellectuality, enlightenment, happiness, and signs of a bright future. Yellow can increase alertness and decisiveness, encourage communication, and stimulate the muscles and lymph system. Yellow can also activate the brain, spark clear, creative and intelligent thoughts, encourage memory, and stimulate mental processes (Smith). In a psychological sense, yellow brings feelings of happiness and increases perceptiveness, self-confidence, and optimism. It aids in discernment, good judgment, organization, and understanding (Think Quest). However, a dull yellow can bring feelings of fear. Those who favor yellow generally tend to be adventurous, shrewd, and carry a strong sense of humor. They can often shun responsibility due to their freedom-loving personalities, but are usually clear and precise thinkers who have a good outlook on life (Bond). As one of the three color channels, green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colors. Green represents nature, health, abundance, wealth, good luck, growth, peace, and clarity. Green can help acquire physical equilibrium and relaxation, and has been shown to be beneficial to the heart. It also relaxes muscles and induces slower, deeper breathing (Smith). Psychologically, green has a tranquilizing and balancing effect. It brings about comfort, laziness, relaxation, and harmony. It can also alleviate nervousness and anxiety, and offer a sense of renewal and self-control (Think Quest). Surveys show that Green is America’s second favorite color (Pawlik-Kienlen). It usually a color liked by those who are gentle, sincere, and reputable. However, their tendency to be too modest and patient can lead to their exploitation. They are generally community-minded people who prefer peace at any price (Bond). Blue is the last of the three color channels. It is closely associated with spirituality, melancholy, cleanliness, wisdom, sadness, trustworthiness, and commitment (Nicholson). Being at far ends of the color spectrum, the color blue has almost entirely opposite effects of the color red. Blue decreases appetite, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It also regulates sleep patterns, keeps bone marrow healthy, and stimulates the pituitary and thyroid glands and causes the production of calming chemicals. Blue brings feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also eliminate insomnia, aid intuition, and increase mental clarity and control (Smith). However, an excessive amount of blue can be depressing and saddening (ThinkQuest). Surveys prove that the color blue, being the least gender specific, is labeled as â€Å"America’s Favorite Color† (Pawlik-Kienlen). People whose favorite color is blue are typically preserving, sensitive, and self-controlled. Even though they can be worriers who are often cautious, they are faithful and have steady character (Bond). Purple is the majestic color of mystery, creativity, unrest, and royalty (Nicholson). Being the mixture of red and blue, the effects of the color purple contain elements from those of both red and blue. Physiologically, purple can alleviate skin conditions; suppress hunger, balance metabolism, and calm the mind and nerves. It can also be perceived as an antiseptic and a narcotic (Smith). Psychologically, purple increases creativity, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity to beauty, high ideals, spirituality, and compassion. It can balance the mind, cleanse emotional disturbances, and combat states of shock and fear (Think Quest). Purple is the favorite color of adolescent girls. Those who prefer purple over all the other colors tend to be artistic, individualistic, fastidious, and witty. They can become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood, but are generally unconventional, tolerant, and dignified (Bond). Pink is associated with youth, romance, free spirit, lightheartedness, love (Nicholson). Being a lighter tint of red, many aspects of red are evident in the color pink. Pink can stimulate energy and help muscles relax. Like red, it also increases blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. Pink offers feelings of calmness, protection, and a sense of nurture. It encourages action, reduces erratic behavior, and sparks a desire to be carefree (Smith). Embodying the gentler qualities of red, pink represents unaggressive sensuality and unselfish love. People whose favorite color is pink are often charming, maternal, and gentle. However, they tend to desire a sheltered life and require affection, â€Å"perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile† (Bond). Brown is an organic color that represents reliability, approachability, the natural world, and connections with the Earth (Nicholson). It provides a sense of orderliness, security, stability, and wholesomeness. It also conveys withholding emotion and feelings of retreating from the world (Smith). Those who like the color brown are generally steady, conservative, conscientious, and dependable. They may be tactless and inflexible, but they are responsible and kind (Bond). Black, white, and gray are not considered colors, but are shades. Although they elicit no physiological effects, they still bring about psychological changes. Black represents authority, power, emptiness, sophistication, silence, and death (Nicholson). It evokes strong emotions and sense of potential and possibility. Black produces feelings of passiveness, emptiness, and being inconspicuous (Smith). Those who like black want to give a mysterious appearance, which indicates a suggestion of hidden depths and inner longings (Bond). White represents purity, neutrality, and safety (Nicholson). It aids mental clarity, encourages the elimination of clutter, purifies thoughts and actions, enables fresh beginnings, and offers a feeling of freedom and openness (Smith). However, an overabundance of white can bring feelings of separation, coldness, and isolation. People who like white indicate a desire for perfection, simplicity, and a recapture of lost youth and freshness (Bond). Gray is the shade in-between black and white. It is associated with dignity, conservativeness, control, independence, and authority (Nicholson). Gray increases independence, self-reliance, evasion, non-commitment, and lack of involvement (Smith). It is unsettling and creates a sense of high expectations, separation, and loneliness. Those who like gray are hard-working and often search for composure and a steady life with few ups and downs (Bond). The effects and associations of a color vary from person to person subjectively. Changes in the general effect of a color depend on some one’s personality, experiences, culture, and memories. Through a subjective perspective of color, a negative association with a color could cause undesirable effects and stir distaste towards that color. For example, if you receive a heartbreaking letter sealed in a green envelope, green may now be your least favorite color due to a new subconscious association with heartbreak and sorrow. In Elliot and Niesta’s study on the relationship between attraction and the color red, they also concluded that â€Å"Although red enhances positive feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance† (Science Daily). In a study conducted by UC Berkley, researchers found that people’s color preferences were linked to their experiences. â€Å"To conduct their studies, the researchers had four different groups perform four different tasks – rating their color preferences, recording the objects they associated with each color, rating how they felt about each object or matching an object to a color† (Rachel Banning-Lover â€Å"Study Links Color Preference to Experiences†). They found that color preference was highly shaped by experience. For example, one subject stated that their favorite color was pink, and then later admitted to having fond memories in her sister’s pink bedroom, which would produce a positive association with the color pink. The researchers also discovered a link between school spirit and color preferences. Those who attended Berkley generally preferred their own school colors, blue and gold, over red, Stanford’s school color. There has also been cross-cultural evidence that creates varying effects of color. â€Å"Cross-cultural differences can occur in two ways – different cultures may have different objects that influence individuals’ perceptions of certain colors, or two cultures may have the same object but may associate different feelings with that object† (Banning-Lover). For example, somebody from France may feel energized around navy blue—although blues are typically calming—due to the widespread use of the color in their country. Personality is a big, if not the biggest, impact on somebody’s preference and perception of a color. In general, extroverts or those with energetic personalities are drawn to richer, warmer colors, while introverts or those with relaxed personalities prefer cooler, more subtle colors (Bond). Colors that are found in certain areas of our everyday lives have a reason for being there. Understanding the objective effects of colors, many places have used certain colors to subconsciously manipulate the public into feeling or acting a desirable way, most of the time without them even realizing it. Red is commonly used in restaurants, both fast food and sit-downs, due to its ability to increase the appetites of its customers and therefore increasing their likelihood of buying more food. Orange is the color of most traffic cones and construction signs. Used to grab drivers’ attention, orange increases their awareness to prevent accidents. Green lights are often used in forensics due to its ability to incite a confession from criminals more than any other color of light. With its strong connection with the Earth, green is also used to promote environmentalism. Blue is commonly used in hospitals to calm patients. Research also shows that people are more productive in blue rooms, for example, weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms (David Johnson â€Å"Color Psychology†). Pink is proven to reduce erratic behavior, and is therefore used in many prison holding cells (Think Quest). Due to its ability to tranquilize, sports teams sometimes paint the locker room of the opposing team pinks so their opponents will lose energy. White symbolizes neutrality and is used for truce flags. It is also worn by doctors and nurses to imply sterility (Johnson). The roots of studying the effects of color can be traced back to ancient cultures, such as the Chinese and Egyptians. They practiced â€Å"chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. † For example, â€Å"blue was believed to soothe illness and treat pain,† while â€Å"yellow was thought to stimulate the body† (Cherry). Just like color psychology received much skepticism in ancient times; it still receives much skepticism today. No matter how unaware we are of the physiological and psychological effects of color, there is no doubt that color has a huge impact on our lives, playing a role in moods, decisions, sensations, and much more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Team in a Slump

For someone who is not much of a sports fan as he claims himself to be, Richard Cohen is the most unlikely person to write about the parallelisms of a Knicks’ season and the Iraq War.For Cohen, a game and a war must   both be won.   He disagrees with Vince Lombardi with the latter’s famous quote that winning is not the only thing.   He is more in agreement with Henry Ford about learning more from failures than in successes.Cohen cited the New York Knicks as having the highest paid players in the league, including those who sit it out in crucial games.   The bench warmers have $53 million contracts.   He thinks the figure to be pretty expensive for a ball club finishing at the bottom notch of the Eastern Conference.Cohen likewise called to mind Gil Hodges of the Dodgers who performed below expectations in 1952 and was for an uncomfortable length of time on such a sudden decline, or on a slump.   Hodges was well-loved, extremely good and quite strong.   But as most people would say then, things happen.   Things were not always within one’s control.The Cohen essay is also about George W. Bush once the owner of the Texas Rangers.   Owning a ball club before, Cohen believes that Bush should have known that as in the case of the Knicks, money nor power, does not a winner make.  Ã‚     In Iraq, even with all its resources America is ineffective.   It is like the Knicks on a slump.Cohen wrote, â€Å"It’s not the bench that needs to be replaced.   It’s the front office.†Ã‚   The reason for the defeat is not because the players or the soldiers are not that good, it is more of the person owning the ball club or the commander in chief from whom the orders are coming being incapable of leading his team to victory.   What it takes to win, the man in charge should know.This may be a different way to look at the much-debated Iraq War, at a sports angle with   a sports analysis on the side.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rich ard Cohen, from his own admission is an occasional sports fan.For the most part of his essay, one would not easily find a connection between a team in a slump and a protracted war, between a former ball club owner and a president who calls the shots in Iraq.   For the average American who has a home team to root for he would understandably like to separate his sports from his politics.   As for Cohen, he should shoot from another angle.Works CitedCohen, Richard. â€Å"A Team in a Slump.† 20 April 2006.   Washington Post Writers Group. 15 May 2007

Dead Man Walking: How the Death Penalty is totally Biased

My position on the death penalty is that it is completely unfair and an unjust system. Throughout the whole novel we learn how the death penalty was strictly enforced more in the south than in any other part of the nation. The worst part of this was that it was most rigorously used against people who killed â€Å"white† people. The death penalty was a system that was racial and also socioeconomic biased, making it totally unfair and one-sided. In a state that had the highest misery stats in the nation, it was pretty expensive to afford a well-prepared lawyer. By not having a well-prepared lawyer you had to rely on public defenders which usually had many clients to defend that made it impossible to interview inmates before trials, much less do time-consuming investigations that capital cases required; thus the reason why ninety-nine percent of death-row inmates were poor. The government had basically created two types of separate, unjust legal systems: one for the rich, in which everything was put into consideration, every opinion was heard, and where you could buy your freedom; and one for the rich, in which hasty guilty pleas and brief hearings are the rule and appeals are the exceptions. Read this â€Å"The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead† Racism was a very big part of this penal system. As both Prejean and Farmer pointed out in the novel, the death penalty biased people who committed murders against white people and that in the south nine times out of ten when the death penalty is sought it’s because the victim is â€Å"white†. Around seventy-five percent of death-row inmates were there for killing â€Å"whites†. Even the Supreme Court acknowledged, in McCleskey vs. Kemp (1987), that there exists racial bias in capital sentencing and that killers of â€Å"whites† are more likely to receive the death penalty than killers of â€Å"blacks†. These are the type of things that made this system prejudice towards â€Å"blacks†, not only that but it also demoralized their life. Throughout the novel Prejean strives to do the opposite of what society is doing to these men, which is humanize them. The humanization of both Willie and Sonnier actually made my stance against the death penalty a lot stronger. It just shows that not everyone is perfect and no matter how big or small everyone will have flaws. I do agree with punishment but it doesn’t give the government the right to choose whether you live or die.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Research Method - Essay Example With improvements in computing technology, information stored in online databases are accessible from distant locations when there is connection between the sources. The method used is keyword and subject headings describe the content of every item in the database. The keyword searching is how you typically search web search engines.   Searching by subject headings is the most accurate way to search literature in the databases. It is not normally easy to presume which subject headings or keywords to use in a particular database. The process is as follows: Combine your keyword to yield results that matches what you are searching by using word such as AND or OR. You can also apply dates to filter search and the time span with which the articles was published. Specify the database that you are going search and use keyword that can be accessed easily via that database. This stage allows you to establish the credibility of your search by considering factors such as the geographical area it covers, credibility and whether it is up-to-date. Other factors to consider include language used and whether it is consistent with the prevailing situation. Using web-based  service by creating a database of references, which will help in recognizing the sources the next time you visit the database. Also, create a list of references (bibliography), save and other website services that can help you trace the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stereotyping around us Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Stereotyping around us - Essay Example Thus, stereotyping is a dangerous thing, as it makes us judge about all the members of certain group (race, nationality, profession) basing on the information about several representatives of that group. However, it is claimed that stereotypes exist in order to make our lives better and more comfortable. We simply do not have time to receive all the information about certain phenomena, analyzing it ourselves and making judgments. In order to save time society has invented stereotypes which allow passing concentrated information from one person to another. For example, it works with nationalities in a simple way, due to stereotypes we know that all Canadians are polite, Brazilians like to have fun, German are serious and punctual. But not all the stereotypes are positive, unfortunately, and some may hurt dignity of representatives of certain nation (Rogier & Yzerbut, 1999). Stereotypes start acting before mind starts working. Stereotypes leave imprints on our perceptions before this perceptions get to the analytical part of the brain. If a person has solid experience and is not prone to trust all the new information he will critically asses stereotypes and somehow compare it with existing knowledge. But in most cases people think that stereotypes are trustworthy and accept this information as reasonable. This can lead to building further stereotypes and seeing world in a distorted way in general. It is absolutely superficial to judge all 1 billion of Chinese as academically gifted or viewing all the Kuwaiti as showing off, isn`t it? Therefore, stereotypes must be thought over, analyzed critically and only then taken into

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nursing Care of Myelofibrosis Following Splenectomy Essay

Nursing Care of Myelofibrosis Following Splenectomy - Essay Example Mr. Spring had marked splenomegaly and profound constitutional symptoms including fatigue and night sweats. Due to anemia, there would be hemodilution, leading to an increased burden on the heart, thus resulting in congestive cardiac failure, and this was evident from his breathlessness and peripheral edema (Tefferi, 2005, p. 8520-8530). It is quite possible that his hematologic profile was further aggravated by splenomegaly-mediated exacerbation of the cytopenias through sequestrations and destruction of hematopoietic elements. Splenectomy offered to him as a treatment modality would only reduce the splenomegaly-induced symptoms and functional abnormalities of his blood picture secondary to his marrow pathology. Postoperative Phase: After the surgery, Mr. Spring was brought back to the ward with oxygen via nasal prongs on 2 L of oxygen with him saturating at 95%. His temperature was 36.8 and he was hypotensive. He was kept under observation. A stat dose of Lasix was given to reduce the fluid overload, and his urine output was 150 mL in the first hour following the injection and in the second hour, he passed another 100 mL. The dressing on the wound was clean, and there was no obvious ooze. The patient was provided with a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) morphine pump, and it was instructed to be on an as-needed basis, since post-surgical pain is important to prevent, and nursing has an important role to play even though it is PCA. Intravenous opioids provide immediate relief and are short-acting, thus minimizing the potential for drug interactions or prolonged respiratory depression while anesthetics are still active in the patient’s system (Marley & Swanson, 2001, 399-419). To prev ent deep venous thrombosis, a stocking was in place with the institution of intermittent calf compression.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing in Travel and tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing in Travel and tourism - Essay Example Economic challenges also hot the company given the rate of inflation as realized in the different countries, there are also social factors that relating to population and distribution of age that also determines success of the business. In the contemporary society, technology is a very important tool in business, the company is bound to automate most of their operations to reduce overhead cost of the company incurs. There are also legal challenges that face the company since the company in other countries faces discriminative laws that give preference to the local companies. There are also environmental challenges that the company faces particularly the fact they operates airline, this includes weather and climate. Travel and Tourism Motivation Various studies have dealt with tourist motivations and market segmentation showing that the factors that motivate tourists for leisure travel and tourism can be classified into two types that is the â€Å"push† and â€Å"pull† f actors (Mehmet 2011, p.153). ... Having a good analysis of the tourist motivation extends the theoretical and empirical evidence that shows that there is a casual relationship in the push and pull factors that motivate travel and tourism, the satisfaction, and destination loyalty (Yoon and Uysal 2005, pp.45-56). Motivation refers to the psychological, biological, social needs and wants including the internal or external forces that dictate how individuals are pushed by motivation variables to make decisions to travel and how they are pulled by the attributes of a particular destination. The â€Å"push† factors refer to the intangible, intrinsic desires of an individual traveller or the tourist, for example the desire to go for an adventure, rest or relaxation while the â€Å"pull† factors define the attractiveness of a particular destination and the tangible characteristics of the place, such as accommodation and recreational facilities it offers, cultural or historical attractions. Travel and tourism motivation involves many dimensions as tourists often have more than a single motive for choosing a particular destination, which may be dynamic or flexible in nature. Understanding the factors that motivate tourists to visit a particular destination and how it differs from others who choose a different destination is important as it may help those who plan and market tourism and travel products to set the relevant marketing strategies. It is also vital as it helps destinations to build strategies for marketing and differentiating its products and services from those that are in competition with it. In analysing the factors for motivation for tourism and travel, it is important that demographical

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nas Airlines and Caterpillar Inc Research Proposal

Nas Airlines and Caterpillar Inc - Research Proposal Example Currently, there is no specialized provider of such a service, a situation that presents a robust business opportunity. If implemented, the proposal will make air travel by Flynas much more convenient as passengers will enjoy a one-stop for travel and cover. Flynas is Saudi Arabia’s first and only budget airline offering domestic and international flights. The company’s head office is in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Flynas was founded in 2007 as Nas Air and commenced operations in February of the year. Until the establishment of Nas Air, Saudi Arabian Airlines, the national carrier, was the only airline in the country. In November 2013, Nas Air rebranded to Flynas. Currently, Flynas makes 950 flights a week to several destinations around the world. As of November 2013, the airline had carried a total of 12 million customers, 3 million of them in the ten months ending November 2013. The airline, following its rebranding, targets to have carried 20 million customers by 2020 (Shane, 2013). Flynas did not offer international flights until 2009. Sharm el Sheikh and Assiut in Egypt became the airline’s first international destinations in 2009. A major milestone in the growth of Flynas came in February 2014 when the airline launched its Global Flight Routes program. The aims of the program were to provide affordable flights between the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah and specified cities in Africa, Asia and Europe and to fly religious tourists to Saudi Arabia. Under the program, Flynas became the first airline to offer low-cost flights between Saudi Arabia and the UK with the launch of the Jeddah-London Gatwick route in April 2014. The route was the airline’s first long-haul route to Europe. The airline’s other long-haul services included those to Manchester, Islamabad, Casablanca, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Medium-haul routes included Riyadh-Karachi and Riyadh-Lahore. However, in October 2014, Flynas announced the cancellation of most of its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Development of Theory in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Development of Theory in Management - Essay Example Exactly what is a "real" manager What should we call managers who work with their staff and learn from them as well-"invalid," "false," or "imitation," as opposed to "real" Are academics and management consultants actually determining current management methods or is the method determined by what is increasing profitability in all areas of an organisation based on cooperation among staff and knowledge of their customer base Three of the most influential theorists in management at the beginning of the twentieth century were Frederick Taylor, Elton Mayo and Henri Fayol. Taylor applied scientific management using time and motion studies, with managers as observers who did not include workers in decision-making. His method, according to Sansone, was said to dehumanise workers. He set up a new effort of structure over people as a variable to improve performance rather than merely using discipline to increase production. Taylor believed managers should be thinkers, and that workers had to be guided by them. Taylor and Fayol had similar ideas, with what has been called respectively Scientific Management and Administration Management, but Mayo was more concerned with the human side of business. His style was called the Human Relations approach (Sandrone). Mayo performed what he called Hawthorne experiments from 1927 to 1932 to examine effects of fatigue and monotony on work conditions and job productivity (Accel Team). By choosing two female workers and allowing them to pick four more, he set up his experiment. He assigned a manager who was more an observer than disciplinarian to study the group and make changes, discussing and explaining them to the group in advance. Variables such as rest breaks, work hours, temperature and humidity were studied. The surprising result for Mayo was that the employees who were included in decisions about working conditions produced more, no matter what the final working schedule was, because they had formed a team. This breakthrough is taken for granted now, but teamwork in an organisation was unknown at that time. According to Accel, Mayo's experiment showed the following reason for its success: The experimental group had considerable freedom of movement . . . . Under these conditions they developed an increased sense of responsibility and instead of discipline from higher authority being imposed, it came from within the group. (Accel Team 6.4) Henri Fayol was a French management theorist who focused on management as fulfilling 5 principal roles: plan, organise, command, coordinate and control, and 14 principles of management in a hierarchal format (Marino). His ideas closely followed those of socialist Max Weber. Fayol was a successful senior manager who applied his formula for controlling his staff, and this formula is still actively practised today. Below are Fayol's 14 principles of administration (Overview 5) Specialization/division of labor Centralisation Authority with responsibility

Of mice and men - Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of mice and men - Criminal Justice - Essay Example Thus, in his mind, he did not think it possible to live without his rabbits, which he loved. However, to understand the reasons for which he could not stop himself from murdering Curley’s wife, it is essential to look first at the factors that had made Lennie who he was. First, the events that led up to Lennie’s murder of Curley’s wife show that it was not entirely his fault that he committed the act. To begin with, despite Lennie asking her to leave, she refuses and actually moves closer to him and places his hand on her head (Steinbeck 45), thus beginning the physical connection that eventually results in her death. She did this in the full knowledge that, this was a man who had crushed Curley’s hand and, also killed a small puppy. In this case, it is possible to argue that Lennie was totally responsible for killing Curley’s wife and, therefore, committing manslaughter. This is because he had killed a puppy just before Curley’s wife came into the barn (Steinbeck 42), while he had also been accused of rape when working on a farm in Weed and crushed Curley’s hand. In essence, even though he does not fully understand his crimes, he is aware that he has done wrong as he flees the area and accepts that he has d one wrong. Now, Lennie has murdered another person and, thus, needs to be jailed to protect other people, as well as himself. However, looking at it from another perspective, Lennie is not guilty of homicide because he is mentally handicapped and killing Curley’s wife was not an intentional action. Although he is a grown-up, he is described as being child-like and not responsible for any of his actions. Lennie has shown that he at least has some understanding about what bad behavior entails in the past. For instance, he is aware that his rape in Weed was bad behavior, while he is also aware that killing the small puppy was a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Importance of Creating a Learning Environment in which Diversity Essay

The Importance of Creating a Learning Environment in which Diversity is Respected - Essay Example In order to ensure respect for diversity in learning, teachers must focus and be interested in all students equally. They should employ flexibility in the teaching process for consideration of all students. Additionally, to avoid biased learning outcomes, instructors must utilize curriculum and other resources in which there is a representation of both male and female genders (Standard 52). When there is respect of diversity in the learning environment, a student will be informed and have a better understanding of the dynamics in life, careers, and relationships in the modern world. Students who are exposed to a learning environment where there is respect for diversity are more likely to become good citizens and leaders in the new emerging global community. Therefore, the student develops both academically and socially. Additionally, such an environment boosts the confidence levels of students, raises their expectations about the future, and makes them discover their potential and talents. Similarly, this raises the educational outcomes of students and presents them with an enriched learning experience. Students therefore become productive and culturally literate citizens of their country and the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Blue Brain Essay Example for Free

Blue Brain Essay Today scientists are in research to create an arti? cial brain that can think,respond, take decision, and keep anything in memory. The main aim is to uploadhuman brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man. So, even after thedeath of a person we will not loose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelingsand memories of that man, that can be used for the development of the human society. Technology is growing faster than every thing. IBM is now in research to create avirtual brain, called â€Å"Blue brain†. If possible, this would be the ? rst virtual brainof the world. IBM, in partnership with scientists at Switzerland’s Ecole Polytech-nique Federale de Lausanne’s (EPFL) Brain and Mind Institute will begin simulatingthe brain’s biological systems and output the data as a working 3-dimensional modelthat will recreate the high-speed electro-chemical interactions that take place withinthe brain’s interior. These include cognitive functions such as language, learning,perception and memory in addition to brain malfunction such as psychiatric disorderslike depression and autism. From there, the modeling will expand to other regions of the brain and, if successful, shed light on the relationships between genetic, molecularand cognitive functions of the brain. The human brain has 100 billion neurons, nerve cells that enable us to adapt quickly to an immense array of stimuli. We use them to understand and respond to bright sunlight, a honking horn, the smell of chicken frying and anything else our sensors detect. To better understand some of those responses, researchers in Lausanne, Switzerland, recently launched an ambitious project called Blue Brain, which uses IBMs eServer Blue Gene, a supercomputer capable of processing 22. 8 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS). Blue Brain is modeling the behavior of 10,000 highly complex neurons in rats neocortical columns (NCC), which are very similar to the NCCs in a human brain. The NCCs run throughout the brains gray matter and perform advanced computing. They are 0. 5mm in diameter and 2mm to 5mm in height and are arranged like the cells of a honeycomb. The first objective of Blue Brain is to build an accurate software replica, or template, of an NCC within two to three years, says Henry Markram, the principal researcher on Blue Brain and a professor at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). That first template will be modified for NCCs found in different brain regions and species, and then all the NCCs will be replicated to build a model of the neocortices of different species, he says. Such models will shed light on how memories are stored and retrieved, Markram says. This could reveal many exciting aspects of the [brain] circuits, such as the form of memories, memory capacity and how memories are lost. The modeling can help find vulnerabilities in the neocortex, which is useful because thats where brain disorders often originate. We may also be able to work out the best way to compensate and repair circuit errors, Markram says. The model could be used to develop and test treatment strategies for neurological and psychiatric diseases, such as autism, schizophrenia and depression, he adds. Having an accurate computer-based model of the brain would mean that some major brain experiments could be done in silicon rather than in a wet lab. A simulation that might take seconds on the supercomputer could replace a full days worth of lab research, Markram estimates. Ultimately, simulated results of brain activity could be matched with recorded brain activity in a person with a disease in order to reverse-engineer the circuit changes in diseases, he says. The real value of a simulation is that researchers can have access to data for every single neuron, adds IBMs Charles Peck, head of the Blue Brain project for IBM Research.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

News Channels Prefrences

News Channels Prefrences After the last millennium year, we had seen a great budding in the entertainment news channel segment. With privatization came, the growth of joint ventured channels as well as big corporations joining the line. Progressively, it broadened its horizon into other sectors Music , Kids , Movie and Sports channels. We also saw a great mushrooming in the News segment. The huge growth was seen with increase in number as well as the audience response. According to Television Audience Meter, the overall television audience share of news channels increased from 1.5 per cent in 2001 to 7.9 per cent in 2012. Therefore, the amount of money spent on this segment was increased as companies could reach specific viewers. The AC Nielsen survey conducted in India showed that 30% of the TV watching population watched Entertainment Channels during the prime time whereas only 8% of the population watched news channels during that hour. With the day to day increase in competition in the News Channel Segment, it remains difficult to keep up the constant viewership. Hence, all the channels are running the rat race in market for gaining mass eyeballs. The news beats are repeated 247 just to keep the viewer stick to the television. These News channels have a floating audience. Literature Review The following is the list of different literature that I have consulted before i undertook this project. All these different pieces of work have helped us deciding the course of action that we may follow and also provided a starting point based upon which we have developed our methodology to achieve our objective. INDUSRTY OMNIBUS RESEARCH REGARDING STUDY OF VIEWS ON NEWS CHANNELS PREFRENCES Cyber Media Research had conducted a survey to understand a viewers perception, awareness preferences .They interviewed around 703 households in Ambala, Delhi Mumbai. The participants were asked to tell their first recall, about their preferred channels without the help of any hints. They were then given a list of 54 channels and they were requested to choose channels. In this way, top-of-mind, total unaided and total preference (sum of unaided and aided preference), were captured in the study and analyzed. Results showed that Hindi news channels were more popular than their English counterparts. AajTak lead with 66% of the market share followed by Star news, Zee news NDTV. This research helped us in determining the factors that people value during setting their preferences for a news channels. UMAR SURVEY BY AC NIELSON This survey covered the media consumption habits of Indians in TV, Print Online media. They used random telephone calls, TV diaries, booklets in which samples of viewers record their TV viewing during measurement week, electronic gadgets like people meter were also used. Calculation of reach: Proxy Sample Rate: 10 individuals For a single episode, if out of 10 people at least 6 saw the 1 minute of the programme then, the reach is calculated as 6 out of 10. Therefore, reach comes up to 60%. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that English is preferred language when going for print media whereas the television is watched more in regional languages. 9 out of 10 people watch TV nearly three-fourth of the surveyed read English dailies. Result also shows that magazines are not a popular choices amongst the rich more than 6 in 10 individuals do not read magazines. This research helps by informing us that the viewership also depends on the segments of people and their preference and lifestyle. FACTORS THAT IMPACT NEWS This article by Edd Applegate, a professor of Advertising at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro writes how journalists should not be influenced by commercials or professionally prepared news releases. He also speaks about how the news is being generated by PR Personnel and Manipulators. Manipulators have been successful in the past, perhaps too often for the countrys welfare. For example, Presidents of the USA such as Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon were successful in manipulating the press. President Franklin Roosevelt and his charismatic personality influenced what and how reporters wrote for the press. 4. CATEGORY TO HARD AND SOFT NEWS -CONFERENCE PAPERS, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION. The study mainly focused on print journalism. However, as briefly described above, it describes hard news / soft news studies, which now does not limit itself to the print media but rather include television and more recently, new media. Moreover, as we will presently show, most of these studies research the way the audience (readers, viewers, listeners) consume the different types of news. Methodology The data collection instrument in this survey is questionnaires collected through field based survey Web based survey. The location of the survey was limited to the periphery of Manipal. The questions records the degree to which Television News Channels sensationalize and manipulate news and space for their suggestions is also provided. The survey consists of ten questions and the Sample size was between 50 60, which is significant for doing and Qualitative Critical Analysis. The results will be depicted using tools like Histogram Pie Charts. Sample Size: 55 Types Sources of Data: Sources of primary data are Businessmen Service Employees Students Housewives Introduction Television in India has existed in India for about decades, before which the transmission was mainly in black and white. The first telecast started on September 15th 1959 in New Delhi. Color Television was introduced in India during the eighties by state owned broadcaster Doordarshan (DD), followed by the Asian Games which India hosted. In the nineties came the broadcasting of satellite TV foreign programmers like CNN and Star TV followed by the domestic channels such as Zee TV and Sun TV. Prior to this people had to make it through Doordarshan telecasted mostly socio economic development programmes, programmes on agriculture, education etc. with very little entertainment in spite of which the audience were glued to their television sets. Around 1995 Indian viewers were exposed to more than 50 channels and by 1996, more than 60,000 cable operators existed in India. Entry of music channels, movie based channels, soaps started dominating Indian channels by 2003. India in the recent years has experienced the rise of more than fifty 24- hour satellite news channels, broadcasting news in 22 different languages. Indian had only one government controlled television network until private satellite networks came up and hyped up their presence. These 24- hour news channels were considered much better than Doordarshan because of its virtual nature and its capacity to simultaneously capture and publicize reality. Even without commentary a television clip became interesting enough as was shot live. Television as we know has the capability to reach millions of people at the time because it can transmit both pictures and words which become a very powerful advantage and keeps the audience glued. Also the images shown on television are much more effective and powerful than a static picture in a newspaper. However, news channels are on a look out for rating of a particular story, so ironically 24/7 news channels do not telecast news the whole day, the main news although is seen only during the morning, afternoon, evening and late night hours. It is being advocated that television journalism should move beyond mere news reporting to in-depth analysis of news. News channels need to be more sensitive in their reportage and should present the facts in a new format. The problem, it is felt with too much competition among news channels is that, in the race to grab viewers attention, TV channels end up dumping down or using the lowest common denominator to produce programmes that end up underestimating the intelligence of their viewers. Worse, channels trivialize, sensationalize etc. As more news channels enter the fray the endeavor to ensure not just authenticity and empathetic portrayal of people, but credibility as well, would assume paramount importance. WHAT IS NEWS? News is a report of a current event Or future events . News is a description about current on goings in a newspaper, television, radio or internet. From all these, we can safely define news as a development that has happened in the past 24 hours which was not known outside and which is of wide interest to the people and that which generates curiosity among people. W. Lance Bennett claimed, News is usually defined as information that is timely, relevant to the concerns of its audience, and presented in a form that is easy to grasp. NEWS CHANNEL A news channel is one that telecasts, unlike entertainment oriented TV channels, the news that is immediate and effective. A news channels can do what a newspaper cannot because it transports the viewer, though live pictures, to the scene of action. Previously, the Indian viewers had very limited options for watching news. For news they had watch Doordarshan during fixed hours, and some International news continuous channels like BBC and CNN which were available to few viewers. In the need to provide more news and information and to make people more aware of their day to day happenings, Zee News came into the scenario. This is when there emerged what is known as the revolutionary way of telecasting news. Followed by Zee News were Star News and NDTV to provide news and information to the mass audience. In course of time, news stories that were telecasted in all these news channels began to acquire a certain exaggerated and sensationalized character that in a certain sense became difficult to differentiate between reality and entertainment. There are over fifty news channels, including the national and regional, telecasting news all over India. This makes the viewer at times confused as to which channel to watch or just try and watch all the channel leading to the phenomenon called channel switching. Television is a one-way communication; therefore it important to establish the credibility of news channels to ensure quality news. Information today is considered as the main priority in mist peoples lives. Therefore, in this competitive world to get attention from people, credibility is a must. For instance, if BBC is taken as our standard, the Indian channel are long associated with that of BBC, how many of them are even making an attempt to do that is a question that crosses many viewers mind. Sensationalism a conceptual framework The media, especially the news media , has been identified as the fourth estate that works to inform and educate the people in a manner that is fair and accurate while maintaining objectivity; a term used often in the expression of news. Yadav and Sharma (2006) quote Dr N Bhaskara Rao, chairman of the centre for media studies (CMS), New Delhi, Studies indicate that the level of public confidence in the media has been on a decline. There are accusations of arrogance, insensitivity, bias, accuracies, sensationalism, stereotypes, trivialization, conflict of interest and disappearing line between news and views on the other. This brings up the question as to whether the media is overtly indulging in sensationalism and whether such behavior reflects a lack of accountability. Even a not-so-close study of news channels today will indicate a paradigm shift in the standards of news gathering and presentation. Stories are glorified so frequently on the news that it becomes difficult to differentiate between reality and entertainment. Most often the entertainment quotient is higher than the information value. This leaves the consumer of the news, sitting comfortably in armchairs in heated living rooms, absolutely heartbroken at the state of this planet and the people. Most often than not, the emphasis of the story is more on the emotional responses to a particular event than on the event itself. The superficial controversies gets reported leaving little room for in depth analysis of substantiate issues. The focus lies on the juicy aspects of the story to pull in a larger share of the audience which can sold to the advertisers. The news channels face a crisis with the race of eyeballs as they cater more and more to the masses, their programmes accused of lacking dignity and credibility in their coverage. News media is no longer brought to us solely as an accurate source of information about local and global issues. In reality, it is driven by a corporate agenda that has identified a profit opportunity for fulfilling our need to know about the world around us. Increasing corporate involvement has added a whole new dimensions to what we know only as the news. Now factors like reviewing ratings advertising, the 24*7 trend and explosion of technology play more critical roles ultimately affecting the content of the information being provided. Technology by itself was not sufficient to create the multi channel revolution. It is the programmes, their content, their forms and format, the presentation-style, gloss and finish that the ever growing demand of television channels. Media- Money Matters Though the media industry is considered to be the watchdog of the society with its primary aims being to inform, educate and to entertain, there is no denying that today it is driven by profit. Unlike newspapers, news channels and talk o not receive much in terms of the subscription. The cost of some production in terms of the various equipment and resources persons required to come up with bulletins and breaking news is quite high. The constraints of time further increase costs. Such being case, advertisements not only help to cover the production and administrative costs, they also accumulate profits. News media organizations is driven by profit and the profit is dependent on the ratings received, its very important to take steps to ensure people keep watching. Causing a reaction in an audience will get them to tune in the following day. Getting people to tune in everyday is money. Broadcasters buy programming outright from television software companies. The price depends on several things, the genre and the production house among them. Sitcoms and talk shows are less expensive as they are shot within a studio. Similarly, game shows may seem cheaper to make since they are studio based but if the anchor is a big name the cost could be high. Currently, airtime is bought of ratings and advertising rates that channels offer. The weekend Television Audience Measurement (TAM) ratings similar to the TRPs, gauge the viewership demographics of various channels and programmes. The study helps media researchers identify the attention patters of channels, programmes or time slots. Creative heads in each organization constantly strive to come up with programmes which will keep the target audience glued to the television sets. Most often they experiment with anything seemingly fresh or just to publicize a non issue. What makes the TAM ratings even more crucial is the fact that the inflow of ads hinges on them. In short a channels success can be described as a crucial chain of captive programmes, increased viewership, higher TRPs, augmented inflow of revenue and therefore, better content generation. Reporters or their media might benefit from reporting controversy because controversial stories may be more engaging and easier to write. The 247 Trend News programmes are vying for attention with other popular programmes telecast in different channels. The biggest task for launching a satellite channel is programme software for round the clock. In this juncture, news gathering is a major task for the 24- hour news channels. To cater to the task, the emerging electronic channels have not only revolutionized the concept of news on the Indian television but have also changed the news formats. From local events to international events, breaking news to news analysis, television soap to page3 news, every happening comes under purviews of news. But the very nature of 24 hour news channels demands a constant feeding and re-cycling. The tyranny of the sound bite often reduces complex issues to ten second statements. Heads of news organizations agree that today cricket, crime and cinema dominate news. Unlike the print media they do not assume a public interests broadcasters role and thus, let the weekend TAM ratings steer content. Sensationalism Sensationalism in journalism has been a popular topic of fiery discussions for centuries. The word sensationalism is used loosely by people to criticize the media. Even in academic circles, the term has been used with little precision. The most common but vague classifications of the concept are by content: stories about crime, accidents, disaster, and scandal. A few scholars acknowledge that formal features may play a role in what we have come to call sensational, but precisely how the packaging of stories contributes to sensationalism remains virtually unexplored, especially in terms of television news. Data Analysis Below is the graphical representation of the Demography of people surveyed. Age 21 years and Below 3 22- 35 42 36 50 7 50 and above 3 55 As per Age Question 1: Effectiveness of documentary style reporting such as Satyamev Jayate. In the survey of this question it is found that 16% feel that the documentary style programs are not interesting or over analyzed, 36% feel that the reports are irrelevant and only 48% feel that the reports efficiently dealt with the social problems. Irrelevant 19 Not Interesting, over analyzed 8 Efficiently deals and fights with social problems 26 Very Useful 2 55 Question 2: About Breaking News / Exclusive news. 32% of the surveyed population feels that the current practice of showing breaking news is sensationalizing the news whereas 28% feels it is to increase the viewership, 24% feels it is to inform the audience and 16% dont care. Sensationalizing the news Increase the Viewership Informing the audience Dont know 18 15 13 9 Question 3: Effect of Soft News Style of Reporting If the news is framed into a more feature or documentary style it is found that it would not have any effect on the viewership of 63% whereas it would positively impact the viewership of 16% and negatively impact 21%. Positive 63% Negative 21% No Effect 16% Limitations: 1) Due to time constraints, the survey could not be carried out for a large and diversified population. 2) Our respondents are mostly professionals, students and faculty members. 3) This research is mainly based on media and in media. I have covered only TV channels and shows. The study has not included any radio, newspaper or other entertainment channels. Conclusion The sensationalism of news during the dawn of TV journalism in India has becomes the foundation of media professionals in present day and age. The missing investigative spirit, zeal of reporting and the absence of responsibility are all well thought-out to be reasons for these circumstances. The ethics of a journalist has been replaced by money minting thoughts combined with irrelevant media morals where the information is manipulated and spiced up to become the ticket to roof hitting TRPs. Interestingly enough, among the first few cases of news sensationalism is the William Hearsts case of 1898. William Hearst owned The New York Journal, his false reports and pictures resulted in the Spanish-American war. The war in turn resulted to the end of the Spanish domination in Cuba. The world never forgave him for his professional dishonesty, hence the media named him as the father of Yellow Journalism. Although the print media learnt to evolve their guidelines following criticism of its sensationalist stance, TV journalism continues to carry on this disgraceful tradition. In unstructured societies like India, where media is not subjected for fixing responsibility and holding accountability, there is considerable damage. Media now, is being measured less by how objective and credible it is than more in terms of the devastation it can inflict. Lack of organizational checks as well as the encouragement, has seen news being dramatized, as well as spicing it up to stimulate public interest. The result is that often these unverified facts compose a major part of the information telecast throughout the day, seven days a week. This has blurred the line between the do`s and donts of journalism. But Television News channels have certain areas where they have been consistently performing well, but taking to unfair means to lure people into increasing viewership is certainly wrong. They require considerable introspection which is important if media men are to stop contributing to conflicts and violence through sensational reporting. Inaccessibility and the involvement of violent interest groups force media men to stay away from the gory scene. These make journalists dependent on second-hand information gleaned from different sources. In such a scenario, quoting well-informed officials is a blessing in disguise to keep the information clock of the TV channels ticking. However, are media men justified in feeding half-baked and sensational information to the public? Does a political stunt, not corroborated by facts, provide the basis for solid news? Do journalists know that professionalism requires them to probe beyond the apparent facts? And do media men realize how insensitively the most sensitive issues are being dealt with? The answers to these questions require considerable introspection which is important if people from the media industry are to stop, consciously or unconsciously, contributing to conflicts and violence through sensational reporting. Bibliography: Aurthur Asa Berger Media Analysis Techniques. Learning from Jon Stewart: How Soft News Programs Inform Infrequent Consumers of Traditional News. Silent Eva Jayate by S. Anand Outlook-India Magazine -23-July-2012. Hard News, Soft News, and the gendered discourse of important and interesting Conference papers, International Communication Association. General News: The Necessity of Adding an Intermediate Category to Hard and Soft News 2004 Conference papers, International Communication Association. Factors That Impact News by Edd Applegate The Featurization of Journalism by Steen Stevensen Any Good News in Soft News? Markus Prior WEBSITES News Audiences Increasingly Politicized

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis Of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Tourism Essay

Analysis Of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Tourism Essay Executive Summary With the increase in concerns about the quality and effectiveness of service strategy using its marketing activities, this business report will try to analyze the Rockhampton Plaza Hotels marketing strategies using 7Ps Model. We have first discussed the background of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and the personal experience in the service encounter in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. After that, we have done 7Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel by outlining the service product, promotion, place, pricing, people, processes and physical evidence critically. We also have done discussions which are based on relevant personal experience, applicable theoretical frameworks, and academicresearchers from academicians. Based on these discussions coming from the 7 Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, we have tried to derive recommendations in four areas namely, price, people, promotion and physical evidence. The recommendations which have derived are:- 1) Pricing strategies of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should be more logical as well as flexible and a generic strategy should be formulated and a pricing strategy based on time of the day should be set up 2) Promotional strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should be more contemporary so they should develop them more futuristic and develop B2b sales channel so that corporate bookings can be increased. 3) People strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs to be more efficient and effective and recommendations are being done so that a broad range of trainings should be done. Employee focus should be increased within Rockhampton Plaza Hotel by both monetary as well as in reward and recognitions 4) Physical Evidence strategy should be done so as to make the interiors as well as exteriors more contemporary as well as appealing. Contents Introduction Service as a product is very much different from any tangible product. This uniqueness also makes marketing of services very much different for service product when compared to tangible products. When we compare 7Ps marketing mix of service product with 4Ps for tangible products which contains product, price, place, people, Promotions processes and physical evidence (Beaver Harris 2010, pp.109-19). In this business report, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, which is a famous hotel in Queensland, Australia is chosen for being analyzed using 7Ps marketing mix model. The selection of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is important because of multiple reasons namely, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel as a service provider which gives all kinds of hospitality services like accommodation, entertainment etc. ; secondly, since, it is a famous hotel sufficient information can be found for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel using both secondary and primary sources about its business, services, operations as well as management practices; lastly, personal experiences have also taken place in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel of availing multiple services which will make the analysis more easy and convenient based on those personal experience. Using the above information, this business report will try and use this 7 P marketing mix analysis as a tool to analyses Rockhampton Plaza Hotel practices and offer possible features of advice for Rock hampton Plaza Hotel. This business report has been built upon brief history and background of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and personal experiences availed in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Then, we have conducted 7 P marketing analysis using different resources. Finally, recommendations are being made on multiple parameters of this 7 P marketing mix which is applied on Rockhampton Plaza Hotel (Blankson Stokes 2007, pp.49-61). Background ofRockhampton Plaza Hotel The background of Rockhampton plaza hotel will be discussed on this section as well as personal experiences of known people in this hotel. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is a 6 story hotel which has restaurant, bar, party facilities which are near Central Park and St  Josephs Cathedral. It has earned local fame and respect due to its service and hospitality on offer. This Hotel is big in size and offers multiple hospitality services for customers in a bouquet. It is a six stored hotel and average occupancy is approximate 75% (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Personal Experiences Our experience of staying in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel has been amazing. The first image of this hotel has been comfortable to live as well as giving quality of services which was very convenient as well as quick. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel offers diversified services and also consults tourists about the city and where to visit. Our personal experience is very good and the experience and attitude will help in making this business report based on 7Ps Marketing Mix model. 7Ps analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel The 7 P analysis for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel includes the analysis of 7Ps of marketing mix, namely, Product, price, promotion, place, people, processes and physical evidence which are explained in the following sections- Analysis of Service Product Parameter It has been analyzed that service products of hospitality industry is very similar in nature, in which products and services which can be offered to customers so that Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can satisfy their wants like those of eating, entertainment, hosting, and other needs in their busy routines. For service product of hotels, which is an important part of hospitality industry contains diversified service portfolio for customers whichthey might not find with any other service providers when they get one quality service provider. This is an easily recognizable trend for hospitality industry in which global standards are being set for service delivery. For assessing the overall quality of hotels, diversification of services is highly needed (Brooksbank, Kirby Taylor 2009, pp.292-306). Based on these points and attaching the service product part of the hotel, the service which are being given by hotels fall in 3 different types:- 1) Accommodation services- Accommodation is the main business source of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel serves its customers with a range of services like reservation, valet parking, luggage movement, room service, laundry as well as other value added services. 2) Entertainment Services-The Customer needs multiple services in Entertainment range which can be found in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Here, customers can do other exercises like gym, swimming, playing indoor sports like Table tennis, Snooker and Squash. Customers can also enjoy Karaoke Nights as well as drinking in the bar or pub. They can also enjoy the coffee cup in cafeteria adjoining the restaurant. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel also gives various in room options to its customers like TV viewing, internet access using own smart devices or rent them for personal usage on Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. 3) Fine Dining as well as shopping services There are multiple fine dining restaurants present in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel where customers can enjoy multiple cuisine foods like Chinese, spicy, Traditional, continental, Korean as well as sea foods. Customers can also buy necessary items like packaged foods, edible drinks as well as other needed items from small market present in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Pricing Parameter Analysis In Hospitality Industry, Price is always not the decisive reason for customers to make their choice. They play definitely an important part which is taken in consideration by customers before taking any final decision. For hotels, pricing strategy is very complicated issue in itself and needs lots of deliberations before being finalized (Chain 2010, pp.8-51). This is because, it is difficult to take in consideration all the input received by customers in terms of feedback for all the diversified services Rockhampton Plaza Hotel offers. Also, since, most of the customers Rockhampton Plaza Hotel gets are either from touring agencies or booking websites, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel doesnt has the necessary bargaining power with its customer base which are essentially very big in size. We always need categorization for pricing strategies in service industry (Consuegra, MolinaEsteban 2007). When we take this analysis in consideration, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs categorization of their pric ing strategies. In terms of prices they should categories them for individual customers as well as for booking agents / Websites as well as group travellers. 1) For individual customers, the standard room costs individual 350 AUD per day and reservation 20 days ahead would mean 10% discount on this price. Also, the standard room will be priced for 100 AUD for six hours in day when it isoffered to those who need forrelaxation. Other detailed prices for service are- 2) Entertainment services Services rate for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is on higher side when compared with other peers by approximate 10-20%. When we take swimming pool and gym services for example.Usually the average price for 1 hour swimming pool charges is 100 AUD in this hotel and gym is of 50 AUD. 3) Food services Food Prices are same with those of restaurants which are self-operated in this hotel. However, if we use the room service, then extra charges will be applicable as per the timing of the call. For travel agents, Hotels give discounts to them which is dependent on the volume of customers in the long term contract or for one off destination. Normally, In Queensland, for a travel group which is lower than 15 people a 15% rebate is offered by hotel. If it is more than 15, then 25% discount is offered along with other bouquet of free services. Some hotels offer entertainment rebates, some do not (Deng and Dart, 2009, pp.725-42). Analysis of Promotion Parameter Promotional strategy for service industry is focused on achievement of two objectives- to get new customer to visit and use services, and to retain customers which are old by giving them loyalty programs. In terms of hospitality industry, they use a mix of promotional strategies which include advertising, word of mouth, referral programs as well as loyalty programs for their present customers. There are also discounts for referrals as well as special offers on off seasons where occupancy rate is very low (Booms Bitner 1981). When we see above activities and attach them with Rockhampton Plaza Hotel workings, the promotional activities can be classified in following way- 1) Advertising- Rockhampton Plaza Hotel uses different mediums for advertising, namely, printed advertisements in newspapers, magazines as well as in travelling journals along with circulating catalogues at leading travel agents offices. 2) Word of Mouth Strategy Rockhampton Plaza Hotel focuses more on word of mouth strategy for acquiring customers which is thetraditional practice in hospitality industry. You can find pamphlets and slogans everywhere in the hotel, enticing customers to tell to their peers, friends and relatives about Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and share them the experiences they had. They have a two pronged strategy for referrals. First they give coupons to people while checking out which can be used by anyone except those who have been given those coupons. These coupons can range from discount to free services. When these coupons are being used, then the referrer gets same coupon credited in his account which can be used by him in his next visit to the hotel. Hence, referrals can be useful to them also as well as their friends. 3) Sales Promotions Sales promotion of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be seen as offering discounts for early bookings as well as for large travel agents/ online booking websites depending on the volume of customers. Also, discounts are offered to senior citizens who are more than 60 years of age in order to fulfill corporate social responsibility. 4) Customer Loyalty programs- The customer loyalty program run by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is the major means to attract and retain loyal customer. His is achieved by multiple ways like 1) making class of customers depending on the amount spend by them in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and giving special benefits to those classes in form of discounts or complementary services. 2) Giving referral bonus to them as well as those which are being referred so as to retain old customers and attract new ones (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Place Parameter Analysis Place Parameter of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be described as the place where hotels are placed, this is an important parameter but a static one as the decision is taken at the inception of hotel which cant be changed (Booms Bitner 1981). As we talk about Rockhampton Plaza Hotel which is located near Central Park in Queensland which is a prominent location. The most important commercial as well as tourist attractions are near way. Queensland attracts huge number of tourists visiting which also results in high occupancy ratings. People Service Parameter Analysis People management is the most important facet of services in hospitality industry since all services are important and directly delivered by people only. The quality of service providers can affect the customer satisfaction as well as discretionary spend of consumers with the service provider (Booms Bitner 1981). Employee Job satisfaction decides what is the level of customer satisfaction in hotel which stresses the importance of rational as well as effective human resource management for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and other similar service provider in hospitality industry. When we see the human resource management at Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, according to personal experiences, we can state following points:- 1) Recruitments, selection as well as new induction of joiners as employees. 2) Practical on the Job training for new as well as current employee 3) Fostering Rockhampton Plaza Hotel culture and teamwork into new employees. 4) Job Appraisal as well as reward and recognition scheme which include both fines as well as compensation depending on good behaviour as well as mistakes towards customers. 5) Relationship building between the Rockhampton Plaza Hotel and its employees. The Human resource responsibility in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in terms of service contracts towards consumers includes following features:- 1) To help the consumers in an appropriate manner. This includes all of the possible help they can give to old as well as new customers of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2) The communication which is ongoing between customers and staff of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can help in collection of information about what are the changing needs and wants of hotel services and how can Rockhampton Plaza Hotel working towards providing complete customer satisfaction patterns (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Parameter Processes Analysis Processes are very important for any service giver in hospitality industry as they give ways in which these services are being given to consumers. When we talk about specific hotel industry, the processes of this industry include multiple interactions between the hotel entity as well as its consumers along with its staff. These facts help in service products as well as consumption patterns(Lovelock Wright 2002). The processes of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel can be seen in multiple aspects like:- 1) Hotels and consumers This involves offering facilities by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel like information, consulting, food, accommodation, bar, in house entertainment, which can help customers as well as Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to assist their consumers. When we talk about customers, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is very keen on finding data about what is the attitude of customers and their satisfaction towards Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, hence Rockhampton Plaza Hotel works on getting feedback in terms of check out book to be filled at the checkout from Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2) Staffs and consumers Human resources always make direct contact with consumers and their involvement is the most important spoke in service quality. This includes the effort to make customers stay as comfortable as possible. Staff of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel works to delight customers by offering extra services which prove value of their money and help them effectively use the services of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel of which they are unaware. 3) Human Resources Rockhampton Plaza Hotel staff interaction includes involving them in design and adjustment of new services and related processes using periodic meetings with the management. This helps in finding star employees who are ready to take responsibilities as well as give effective and practical advice to them. Staff are also promoted to organize socializing among themselves so that their interpersonal relationships are strengthened resulting in higher work satisfaction (Rockhampton Plaza Hotel 2012). Service Parameter Physical Evidence Analysis Physical evidence for intangible products like services is quite similar to tangible products. This includes environment, prices, communication as well as view the customer has as of locality (CengizYayla 2007). Physical evidence can be worked for the services offered by Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in following areas. 1) Physical Environment Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is a comfortable place to stay. The inside area, corridors, lobby all are fresh and novel in decoration. All furniture are polished and new. Since, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is quite near to central park, the view is quite fascinating and helps to leave a strong brand recall of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. 2) Tactics for communication with customers Customers have multiple options present in hotel or on phone about the services offered in Rockhampton Plaza Hotel as well as places to visit in Queensland. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel also has staff which is very experienced in handling customers. They give consultation to people depending on their needs and make friendly guides available for them for working(Copley 2004) Recommendations for Rockhampton plaza hotel We have done suitable analysis for 7Ps service Marketing Mix of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. In the next section, we have tried to come up with suitable recommendations. The recommendations are being offered in areas of price parameter, promotion parameter, people parameter as well as physical evidence parameter for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel Recommendation for Service Parameter Pricing Strategy When we talk about pricing parameter, the pricing strategy of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel needs to be tweaked in order to be more flexible in accordance with the market pricing. We have given below recommendations for them so that they can shift the focus of their pricing strategy Generic Pricing formula needs to be arrived for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel which can be cost based or competition based or consumer physique based. As we define the generic pricing for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, all of these should be strategically aligned and should make customer attract towards Rockhampton Plaza Hotel because of justified value for money ratio. Since current market conditions are more dynamic as the competition is heightened and Rockhampton Plaza Hotel is feeling the heat. They should shift prices according to the occupancy. In times where it is less occupancy, prices should shift down and when the tourist season is on full swing, they should increase the password so that they can gain the price advantage. This will not only simulate the customers to come to Rockhampton Plaza Hotel again and again but will also increase the average occupancy rate as empty rooms are worse than discounted prices (Jones 2008). Recommendation for Promotion Service Parameter Strategy On the same lines as of pricing strategy, the promotional strategy for Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also be updated as per the current needs of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel. Based on the analysis in previous sections, the recommendations for promotional parameter are:- They should increase collaboration with travel websites such as Groupon and offer lower prices to them; this will increase the occupancy rate as well as exposure of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to overseas customers and can build brand loyalty globally. They should also increase promotional activities there and give special incentives to promote the internet channel for selling and booking. 2) Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also work with travel agencies to promote their brands. This will increase the cooperation level with them bringing in huge inflows of customers who opt for travel packages rather than booking themselves. This might include helping these travel agencies by telephonic advice to their customers seeking travel to Queensland and sending invitation letters to travel agencies to come and have a look at Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to promote it for their customers (James 2009). Recommendation for Service Parameter People Strategy Rockhampton Plaza Hotel has focused from its inception on its staff, but the focus is not equal on various parameters as well as comprehensive in totality. They should focus more on cross stream training as well as employee satisfaction about his work. Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should make the employee training more wide range of content like behavioral training, communication as well as management skills for human resources under which they can understand the customers better and tread on different yet more satisfying paths for their future. 2) Also, Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should focus on increasing employee satisfaction in their work lines. Since, customer satisfaction is dependent on satisfied employee working fully towards their cause. Hence employee satisfaction is very important for any hotel. They should increase both monetary as well as non-monetary rewards for its employees. Management of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel should also show respect for the efforts of its employees towards their work and frequently survey their employees to identify potential problems their employees are facing and correct them if required (Grant 1998). Recommendation for Service Parameter Physical Evidence Strategy Regarding the Physical evidence strategy, they are located near central park which is an excellent location. The following recommendations are being given for better presentation inside the Rockhampton Plaza Hotel in terms of Physical evidence. They should keep changing their internal decoration so that customers whenever they come find a new Rockhampton Plaza Hotel waiting to serve them. It can be seasonal or based on occasions. Also, they should work towards better decoration in lobbies. The internal decoration is good but needs to be more contemporary in nature, hence requires a revamp (Borden 1984). Conclusion This report talks about the p analysis of marketing strategies of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel, a hotel in Queensland, Australia, based on experiences and secondary research. Other than 7P Marketing Mix application for Rockhampton Hotel Strategy, 4 different areas of recommendations have been given in terms of price, promotion, people and physical evidence which are needed to be taken in consideration by management of Rockhampton Plaza Hotel to tweak their strategy according to the needs of present and to prepare for the future. We have given recommendation in pricing, to be more flexible and seasonal in approach so that overall occupancy rates can be increased, in promotion, to target internet as a channel and tie up with group selling websites as well as travel agents to have higher exposure and awareness for its target markets, in people , to work towards creating a better environment for its employees and increase their satisfaction so that in turn they work towards better satisfaction of Rockhampton Plaza Hotels Customers, in physical evidence, to work towards making the interiors more contemporary as well as make it more flexible with changing festivities as per the local tradition

herbert hoover :: essays research papers

Herbert Hoover Son of a Quaker blacksmith, Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the Presidency an unparalleled reputation for public service as an engineer, administrator, and humanitarian. Born in an Iowa village in 1874, he grew up in Oregon. He enrolled at Stanford University when it opened in 1891, graduating as a mining engineer. He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China's leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers. While his wife worked in the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once risked his life rescuing Chinese children. One week before Hoover celebrated his 40th birthday in London, Germany declared war on France, and the American Consul General asked his help in getting stranded tourists home. In six weeks his committee helped 120,000 Americans return to the United States. Next Hoover turned to a far more difficult task, to feed Belgium, which had been overrun by the German army. After the United States entered the war, President Wilson appointed Hoover head of the Food Administration. He succeeded in cutting consumption of foods needed overseas and avoided rationing at home, yet kept the Allies fed. After the Armistice, Hoover, a member of the Supreme Economic Council and head of the American Relief Administration, organized shipments of food for starving millions in central Europe. He extended aid to famine-stricken Soviet Russia in 1921. When a critic inquired if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, "Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed!" After capably serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, Hoover became the Republican Presidential nominee in 1928. He said then: "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land." His election seemed to ensure prosperity. Yet within months the stock market crashed, and the Nation spiraled downward into depression. After the crash Hoover announced that while he would keep the Federal budget balanced, he would cut taxes and expand public works spending. In 1931 repercussions from Europe deepened the crisis, even though the President presented to Congress a program asking for creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to aid business, additional help for farmers facing mortgage foreclosures, banking reform, a loan to states for feeding the unemployed, expansion of public works, At the same time he reiterated his view that while people must not suffer from hunger and cold, caring for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physics of Downhill Ski Racing Essay -- physics sport sports skiing

Gliding is the art of maintaining the flattest ski in order to achieve the lowest possible friction. The forces associated with gliding are fairly straightforward: gravity, friction, and air resistance. Air resistance has several inputs that add to the total resistive force. Friction is caused by the lack of a perfectly smooth surface between the skis and snow on a microscopic level. Think of it as the Rocky Mountain range trying to slide over the Himalayas. On a microscopic level this is what friction is. Two factors contribute to the resistive frictional force; a normal force and the friction coefficient. The normal force is the force holding the person up keeping them from falling towards the center of the earth. On level ground the normal force acts straight up against the acceleration of gravity. On a slope, the normal force is equal to the force of gravity proportional to the cosine of the angle of the slope to horizontal. This portion of gravity attempts to accelerate the person toward the center of the earth, the normal force resists this acceleration. The remaining component of gravity accelerates the body down the hill parallel to the slope, a linear acceleration. It is the coefficient of friction that speed skiers and racers try to reduce to a minimum. The normal force is a constant since it is related to their body weight, which does not change during the course of the race. The coefficient of friction is already reduced from everyday levels because of the snow, but it is the goal of racers to reduce this to an absolute minimum to maximize speed. The coefficient of friction is a unit less ratio of the force of friction to the normal force. The real value for the coefficient is often determined experimentally.... ...and the force normal to the shear plane. These two forces again result in the same resultant force but are rotated into the shear plane. The angle of rotation into the shear plane is phi in above second diagram. Phi is the edge angle minus the angle in the triangle of the normal force(N) and the friction force(F) on the ski divided by 2. This can be seen in the first diagram. The centripetal force can be found using the above equations in the second diagram: Fc=Fs*cos(phi)+Fn*sin(phi) Fn=Fs/tan(O-b-F) The Fc is the failing point at which the racer begins to slide the ski and lose speed. When a racer does balance the speed, radius, and other factors to maximize the centripetal force and acceleration, up to 2.5 Gs of acceleration can be achieved. Downhill ski racing is a ballet and balancing act of the laws of physics to be the fastest person down the hill.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Bubonic Plague (Black Death)

The pandemic of the bubonic plague swept across Europe in 1347 and spread to England in 1348. It is known today as the Black Death. During these years, the plague affected the lives of people all across England and killed over half of England's population. It’s impact was enormous, not only because of the rapid decrease in the population but because of the pessimism, fear and suspicion. â€Å"Plague is a deadly infectious disease that is caused by the enterobacteria, Yersinia pestis. Primarily carried by rodents (most notably rats) and spread to humans via fleas† – Wikipedia The plague caused a huge decline in England's population.It killed over 5 million people (70% of the population) Some of the first symptoms were vomiting, giddiness, headaches, shivering, tongue turns white, and intolerance to light. Some of the later symptoms are pains in the joints, breaking blood vessels, internal bleeding, and skin turning black (the result of the dried blood from interna l bleeding) During the plague peasants left their jobs because they were afraid they would get the Black Death and die. Many also left for other villages to find new jobs, better wages and conditions.Since there wasn’t many farmers to make food, the price of food went up during the plague. There were not enough people to look after animals and crops, so they died too. Some people in urban areas died, not from Bubonic Plague but from starvation. Some villages became completely abandoned because of the villagers evacuating. Because of the Black Plague villages faced starvation. Town and cities faced food shortages as the villages that surrounded them could not provide them with enough food. A big consequence of the Black Death was inflation – the price of food went up creating more labour for the poor.In some parts of England, food prices went up by four times. Many Lords were short of desperately needed labour for the land that they owned. After the Black Death, Lords e ncouraged peasant to leave their villages and come work for them. When peasants did this, the Lord refused to let them return to their original village. The peasants started demanding higher wages as they knew that the Lord was desperate to get his harvest. The Black Death brought great depression that was felt through out England and affected the lives of millions, it is one of the most lethal disease out breaks in history.

This Kind of Love happens only once in a lifetime

The link of capital of Wisconsin County, the surprise hit of summer 1995, centers on a particular c erstpt of devil-timing(a) court that is truly apropos of the neocon epoch. enchantment many contemporary hook up with women indeed may take encourage in the films message (that wiz foot have a secret write out, plainly then must go backrest to the normalcy and maturity of married animation), its implications be perhaps something less than a console as viewers see them as part of a larger motif rough gender equality and gentle liberation.The complexity of the write ups writing requires not just a in effect(p) director only when in any case unafraid actors, actors who kitty link or keep going the reputations geek to the sense of hearing and live through the films reality for at least two hours. But in the lead we discuss how Meryl Streep in particular do us interre new-fashioned with the film and empathize with her face, let us startle walk around th e crush of Bridges of capital of Wisconsin County.The legend explores the character of Francesca, an Italian cleaning lady who somehow cease up as a farm housewife in Iowa. Like closely of us, she dreamt of a more exotic flavour than shuckin the corn and sloppin the hawgs, but sometimes action just turns out the way it does. globe follow where life leads them for a while, and before we realize it, decades have passed. This is so current with Francesca.Her path initi completelyy was destined, straight and inevitable until an unexpected fork in the highway causes her to question anything she had come to expect from life. While her husband and children are away at the Iowa state fair in the summer of 1965, Robert Kincaid happens upon the Johnson farm and asks Francesca for directions to Rosamunde Bridge. He explains that he is on assignment from National geographical time to photograph the bridges of Madison County. She agrees to yield him to the bridges and thus begin s the bittersweet and all- also-brief romance of her life.Through the pain of separation from her secret love and the stark isolation she feels as the exposit of her life consume her, she writes d have the story of this four-day love skirmish in a 3-volume diary. The diary is found by her children among her possessions and on board Robert Kincaids possessions aft(prenominal) Francesca is dead. The message they take from the diaries is nonpareil of hope that they will do what is prerequisite to find happiness in their lives some(prenominal) is necessary. After learning that Robert Kincaids cremated remains were break up off Rosamunde Bridge and that their generate bespeak a similar disposition for her own ashes, the children must decide whether to honor their mothers terminal wishes or bury her alongside their scram as the family had planned. Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime if youre lucky.The rudime ntary theme is that on that point are ambiguous universal feelings inside of all of us which we train ourselves to ignore in the implementation of everyday life. Inside every vainglorious is an idealistic youth who planned a completely different life. But our dreams neer go away, requiring except the right foreplay to reappear.As Waller implied in his novel, sometimes the old dreams are the best dreams. Theyre gone now, but it leaves a trace bound to go away forever and a day The parallel is drawn instead interestingly when Kinkaid explains that he works for the National Geographic magazine rather than acting as an artist because no one is elicit in his work as art. some(prenominal) he and Francesca have settled into a life that isnt what they hoped it would be. What is wonderful about this secret plan point is that both are stable successful in their lives and relatively happy. incomplete one is miserable or oddly hurt by their experiences and yet, under all the laye rs of their existences lies a yearning for something more, a lead to live out unfulfilled dreams and be glad to have dreamt them.The two introduce upon a four day romance that is realistic and touching. Streeps Francesca is highly aroused by the photographer and yet she is also awake of the improper nature of her feelings. Coming from what was in all likelihood a more liberal flat coat (European, i.e. Italian), she has acclimated herself to the ways of rural Iowa life. To remind us of the narrow nature of the mores of the time, a tertiary character is shown to be the towns gossip (while Kinkaid is visiting) because her extracurricular affair has recently been discovered.What follows in Wallers story-in-the-novel is his rendering of the material affair that takes place in the midst of Robert and Francesca while her family is out of town, along with Roberts aim that Francesca leave behind her unfulfilling life in Iowa and run away with him to places far and wide, a proposal that is entertained but in the end turned smooth by the heroine. Instead, Francesca places province and fidelity in front of heating system and romance, choosing to live out the remainder of her age on the farm outside of Winterset, Iowa.During one day in August for every year there later, however, she would gather props and remembrances and correct ceremonial homage to her romantic interlude by staging a unfrequented fantasy ritual recalling the original seduction. all over the course of those two and one-half decades, Mrs. Johnson assay to locate Kincaid only once, and then unsuccessfully, after the passing of her husband.Two final points are in order about Wallers telling of the story-within-the-novel. The first is that, notwithstanding the brevity of the actual affair of Robert and Francesca, Waller leaves little doubt that theirs was frequently more than a fleeting romance or momentary concession to impulse. As Robert verbalize upon learning that Francesca must stay with her family, In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of inference comes only once.(By this point in the story, such(prenominal) utterances are entirely in character for Mr. Kincaid, whose mystical mix of New maturate sensitivity and Marlboro Man machismo Waller gives ample addition relative to the largely ill-defined character of the heroine. I am the highway and the wandering and all the sails that ever went to sea, Waller has Robert whispering into Francescas ear.) The last point worthy of underscoring here is the anatomy device used byWaller in telling the story.Wallers reconstruction of the romance is portrayed as a truthful deviation that he, as the teller, was able to piece together from a letter Francesca left for her children, apprisal the affair that they get wind only after her death.Remarkably, and yet apparently of great wideness in establishing the storys credibility among readers, Waller agrees to tell the story of Robert and Francesca only in response to an invitation from the late Francescas children.(3)Meryl Streep in the film successfully expressed Francescas struggle, happiness and misfortune in the film In the express film, Streeps acting is effortless. We can opinion her previous acting roles for her showcase of endowment fund in the film because she has been in several(prenominal) drama movies before she did Bridges of Madison County.Moreover, Streep has won an Oscar awarfared in a drama film Kramer vs. Kramer. In this film, she is a mother who left her family because of discontent which is also real because males today are much more concern with their careers than with their family. This is also quite true in the movie Bridges of Madison County because in the film it is implied that she is too a little dis well-off with her routinary life as a wife and mother. If she had been contented and happy, she would have ignored Robert Kincaid. These questions and what ifs are complete indicators that Streep made us feel Frances ca. do us feel that she is a valet de chambre subject to limitations.In addition, Streep was already forty-six geezerhood old when she did the film. As fair sex, as mother and as a wife, she has rich experiences in life which contribute in her acting. It was belatedly for her to internalize and give justice to her character because she has been through several experiences not only in her career as an actress but also as a woman in general.There is more to the brilliance in her acting in the said film, tally to Streep in an interview on recreation Weekly Magazine (2000)I had a picture of who this was I knew it was an Italian war bride, and I had grown up down the street from one. Her husband was a tall, fair man, and she barely spoke any English. everyplace the years she learned she was a very bright, interesting woman but there was evermore something exotic about her. Anyway, the confine had this woman in jeans and braless. It was just difficult for me to understand h er. I had a fair vivid picture of her, and I didnt destiny to complicate it (laughs) with the authors actual intent. I honestly didnt finish the sustain. I started it and then thought, Ill wait for the screenplay. The screenplay had a woman in it.Clint called me and said Just read the script. I want you to push last(prenominal) whatever you think you know about the book. Meryl Streep, More Magazine, December 2002Based from the interview we can say that her performance is significantly moved(p) by the idea that she read the book which made her understand the character exhaustively in the novelists perspective and that Eastwood (the director) made sure that the script was well written.And lastly, it is everlastingly Streeps passion to act and always it is her goal to deliver her character to the auditory modality in the most realistic realistic way.